3 rubles – 200th Anniversary of the Discovery of Antarctica by Russian Seamen Faddey F. Bellingshausen and Michail P. Lazarev

3 rubles coin – 200th Anniversary of the Discovery of Antarctica by Russian Seamen Faddey F. Bellingshausen and Michail P. Lazarev | Russia 2020
Obverse the mirror field of the disc bears a relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, over it along the rim there is the semicircular inscription ‘РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ’ (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed on both sides by doubled rhombuses, below under the coat of arms there are indications of the precious metal and its fineness on the left and the fine metal content and the mint trade mark on the right, at the bottom in the centre, in three lines, there is an inscription ‘БАНК РОССИИ’ (BANK OF RUSSIA), the denomination of the coin ‘3 РУБЛЯ’ (3 RUBLES), and the year of issue ‘2020 г.’ (2020). Reverse the mirror field of the disc features relief images of sailing sloops and, at the bottom, a guiding star; a contour image of Antarctica and two penguins is located in the upper right part of the coin; the coloured finish imitates the aurora borealis; the inscription along the rim reads ‘200-ЛЕТИЕ ОТКРЫТИЯ АНТАРКТИДЫ’ (200th ANNIVERSARY OF THE DISCOVERY OF ANTARCTICA).