25 rubles – 25th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

The obverse in the centre there is a relief image of the National Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and over it a semicircular inscription along the rim: "РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ" (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) framed by doubled rhombuses on both sides, under the emblem there is a three-line inscription: "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA), the coin’s par value "25 РУБЛЕЙ" (25 RUBLES), and the year of issue "2018 г." (2018), and on the right there is a mint trade mark. The reverse there is a relief image of an open book with the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation depicted on the left page and a three-line inscription "КОНСТИТУЦИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ" (THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION) engraved on the right page; under the book the top of an Ionic column with a capital is depicted; finally, there is an inscription along the rim reading "25-ЛЕТИЕ ПРИНЯТИЯ КОНСТИТУЦИИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ" (THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUSSIAN CONSTITUTION).