200 euro – The Archangels: Michael

Series: Vatican City – Gold 200 euro coins

200 euro coin – The Archangels: Michael | Vatican City 2019
The 200 euro gold coin for 2019 inaugurates a three-year cycle dedicated to the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The Holy Father recommends praying and entrusting ourselves to the Archangels to help us in the fight against the seductions of the devil, to bring us the good news of salvation, and to take us by the hand so we do not go astray on the path of life, thus cooperating in “God’s plan of salvation”. The series starts with “Michael - the great Michael - the one who fights against the devil”, a reference the Pope quoted in reference to a passage in the Apocalypse. The coin is a work by artist Mariangela Crisciotti that reproduces a monumental statue located in the Vatican Gardens produced by artist Giuseppe Antonio Lomuscio, dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel, principal defender of the faith and universal custodian of the Church, as well as Patron Saint of the Corps of the Vatican Gendarmerie. It was blessed by both Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, under whose pontificate it was commissioned, and by Pope Francis, reigning at the time of its inauguration. On the base it bears the coat of arms of both Popes.