10 euro – 200th anniversary of the appointment of Alexander Rudnay as the Archbishop of Esztergom

Series: Slovakia – Silver 10 euro coins

10 euro coin – 200th anniversary of the appointment of Alexander Rudnay as the Archbishop of Esztergom | Slovakia 2019
n June 2018 Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) announced a public competition for the design of a €10 silver collector coin to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the appointment of Alexander Rudnay as Archbishop of Esztergom. A total of six designs by six designers were entered in the competition. In October 2018 the designs were evaluated anonymously by NBS's Committee for the Assessment of Commemorative and Collector Coin Designs. The Committee was assisted in its task by an expert adviser, Dr Diana Duchoňová, from the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. On the Committee's recommendation, the NBS Bank Board awarded first prize to a design by Peter Valach and approved it for the coin. The Committee agreed that this design best captured the assigned theme. The obverse composition was praised for its striking restraint, and the reverse for its portrayal of the historically significant prelate in later life. Second prize went to a design by Martin Sabol. The obverse depicts a loose composition of motifs referencing the Archbishop's life. The reverse is filled with his portrait, which is based on a contemporaneous oil painting. Additional prizes were awarded to Mária Poldaufová and Michal Gavula in recognitions of the high quality of their designs. The silver collector coin is due to be issued in November 2019.