20 euro - The First Missions
Series: Vatican City - Gold 20 euro coins

The Philatelic and Numismatic Office continues the series of issues of the 20 and 50 euro gold coins dedicated to the Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book of the New Testament that tells what happened after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The 20 euro gold coin, a work by artist Cristina De Giorgi, is dedicated to the First Missions, (chapters 6-12), the work of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles with their evangelical missions in Judea and Samaria. In particular, the episode of the Liberation of Peter asleep by the Angel who breaks the chains that hold him prisoner (Acts 12:7) is depicted. The 50 euro coin, a work by Gabriella Titotto, shows a symbolic representation of the “Council” of Jerusalem (chapter 15), which sanctions the definitive opening of the Gospel to all peoples, according to the will of Jesus. After the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, from a fierce persecutor of the Church to a new apostle with the name of Paul, and the preaching of Peter in the house of the Roman centurion Cornelius, the doors of the Church were definitively opened to all peoples and not only to the Jews.