100 euro - The Apostolic Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council
Series: Vatican City - Gold 100 euro coins
The 100 euro gold coin for 2019 belonging to the four-year cycle dedicated to the Apostolic Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council, celebrates Lumen Gentium (from the Latin, Light of the Nations), the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Christ is the Light of the nations, and the Sacred Synod, by proclaiming the Gospel to every creature (cf. Mk 16:15), desires to bring the light of Christ to all men, a light brightly visible on the countenance of the Church. Just as the moon does not shine with its own light, but reflects the sun’s light, in the same way “the Church.shines not with her own light, but with the light of Christ”, Pope Francis has often said. “Christ is the true light shining in the darkness. To the extent that the Church lets herself be illumined by Him, she is able to bring light into the lives of individuals and peoples.” With this perspective, the coin designed by artist Orietta Rossi depicts Christ, the Good Shepherd, who on one side welcomes a sheep in the Church, symbolized by the moon, and on the other side lovingly guides another one towards the same path