10 lei - 100 years since the union of Bessarabia with Romania

Obverse: in the foreground, an image of the building of the National Council in Kishinev where, on 27 March 1918, the union of Bessarabia with Romania was voted, while in the background, an excerpt from the Union Act; the inscription “ROMANIA” in an arc, the face value “100 LEI”, the coat of arms of Romania and the year of issue “2018”.
Reverse: the portraits and names of the three signatories of the Union Act, i.e. Ion Inculeț, Chairman of the National Council, Vice-Chairman Pantelimon Halippa and Secretary Ion Buzdugan; the inscriptions “100 DE ANI DE LA UNIREA BASARABIEI CU ROMANIA” and “27 Martie 1918”.
Reverse: the portraits and names of the three signatories of the Union Act, i.e. Ion Inculeț, Chairman of the National Council, Vice-Chairman Pantelimon Halippa and Secretary Ion Buzdugan; the inscriptions “100 DE ANI DE LA UNIREA BASARABIEI CU ROMANIA” and “27 Martie 1918”.