10 euro - Greek Culture - Lyric Poets - Pindar
Series: Greece - Silver 10 euro coins

Pindar of Thebes was the ancient Greek lyric poet
whose work is best preserved. Although he composed
various genres of choral poetry (dithyrambs, hymns,
laments), of which only fragments remain, he is best
known for his epinikia, i.e. victory odes that he wrote
on commission in honour of winners at Panhellenic
games. His four books of victory odes (the Olympian,
Pythian, Isthmian and Nemean Odes) have survived
complete. His patrons included important figures of his
time (Hieron of Syracuse, Theron of Akragas, Diagoras
of Rhodes). Pindar would typically praise the victor’s
birthplace and its local heroes and deities, his family
and personal virtues. According to Pindar, victory came
as the combined result of innate virtue, training and
the favour of the gods. Pindar has been admired since
antiquity for his sublime and grandiloquent style, his
bold use of language and the seriousness he attached
to his own art.